Friday, June 20, 2014


The attitude of knowing and understanding is the material that we always have to learn.

Look at the whole picture - pay attention - make a consideration - specific your interest - concentrate the detail and taste faculty - divided the iridescent style - analyse the pattern - think of everything one more time - try to understand - carefully handle the conflict

Use your mind not your head - use your heart not your emotion - prejudice is the criminal of your proportion - thinking about the pattern is to trust your feeling deep inside, but how to think deep - to produce the electron, you can't ignore the negative that is always needed by positive - the sharpen you look at positive and negative charge is the way to sharpen your conscious on paying attention to how you perceive something, to control the feeling that always evoke you - always compare the similarity and the differences - recognize and be aware of how objects evoke moods - separate you emotional and emotional perception.

Kinesthetic - miss understanding typically develop when knowledge of the person is limited. Emotion charged perception considerably influences not only memory but also thinking capacity. The way to avoid miss interpretation is to listen attentively, look carefully, and learn separate real information from feelings, opinion or rumors. Take some time to observe, then concentrate to the things and avoid the unnecessary. The idea of knowing kinesthetic - learn by doing.

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