Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Muslim's Rules For Life

1. Start off each day with thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.
2. Put Allah first in your life.
3. If someone says something mean to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laidback, manner,
    and pray that Allah shall forgive them.
4. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and wothless life is to waste in being angry.
5. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others, thank Allah for that, and pray its
6. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a poor person, or caressing an orphan's 
7. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation.
8. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that what you are about to say shall cause no
    benefit, maintain silence (this is tough!!)
9. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time to your family, friends, but always
    remember Allah and watch that He is watching you.
10. Pray for blessing to come to your enemies, and pray to Allah to guide them to the right path.
11. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but stop at Allah's orders.
12. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to them and you are rewarded.
13. Forgive, Forget, and Smile.
14. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you may lose from it more that again.
15. Never look down on anybody, for they may be better than you in Allah's eyes.

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