Friday, June 20, 2014


Apabila kau dilahirkan kau pasti akan dapat mengenalpasti apa itu perkara dari tiada kepada ketiadaan. Kebudak-budakanmu akan terus membudak, keremajaanmu akan sentiasa remaja, ketuaanmu akan tetap tua. Kerana itu kau sering memikirkan teka-teki manusia. Pendapat yang asing dan berbeza, tujuan, kepentingan, apatah lagi keuntungan. Nafasmu menjadi semakin sesak, namun jangan pernah mengalah untuk berhenti mengarang cinta yang akan terus kekal menjadi musuh kebencian, hanya itu yang dapat dikongsi. Setidak-tidaknya kau cuba untuk bercakap benar bukan kebohongan. Tidak pula inginkan melakukan penipuan apatah lagi menginiaya, mencuri, mahupun bermuka-muka. Memiskinkan lagi apa yang sedia ada miskin, hanya akan meruntuhkan pencapaianmu. Gapailah senyuman air mata yang asli dan tidak sendirian memilikinya. Kerana kau yang sejati adalah kau yang sedar.

Kegelisahan manusia mengundang nekadmu menjadi pesalah. Di-cop-mohor-rasmi-kan sebagai penjahat/pesalah kerana berdosa membuat salah sepertimana yang disalahertikan dan itu kata mereka. Dihina kerana mempetaruh nyawa, tidak kerana persona dunia yang menghimpit kehidupan berkebudayaan yang tertindas atau kurang bernasib baik. Kesenangan juga adalah satu ujian, sedari itu juga bukan kebetulan. Kemanisan berjuta-juta janji yang berterabur berkejar-kejaran di dalam kebisingan yang semakin kelam warnanya. Ketika hatimu diselimuti sesal, jangan pernah untuk berhenti melangkah. Kau-kan terus belajar mengelak dari penipu-penipu peraturan itu. Jangan pernah untuk melupakan halaman-halaman yang kau banggakan kerana ia takkan jauh dari hati dan cintamu.

Jangan asyik kau merungut menghadapi apa yang kau tidak setuju dan tidak kau fahami. Berkenalanlah dengan cinta. Tanganilah dengan mengenengahkaan cinta. Sebarkan kecintaan bukan kebencian. Cinta juga boleh disalahertikan sebagai bentuk kegilaan dan kegemaran, anti dan juga fanatik. Maka perhalusilah apa itu cinta. Sebarkan tahap tertinggi dalam melahirkan mimpi-mimpi cintamu. Antilah ketidakadilan dan fanatiklah kebahgiaan. Imbangi hadamanmu. Namun telah menjadi fitrah kedua-duanya ada. Termaktub ianya berlaku sebagai permainan dalam pertarungan atau sebaliknya pertarungan dalam permainan. Pengorbanan lebih memuliakan. Untuk tidak buta dalam celik. Tidak bisu dalam percakapanmu. Tidak juga pekak dalam pendengaranmu. Hidu-lah keharuman dan kebusukan tanpa menipu apa yang kau hidu. Kenalpasti setia-kasih itu bagaimana sebenarnya.

Pada anak-anak kecil, jangan kau didik mereka dengan penerangan intelek semata. Imaginasilah imaginasi mereka. Selarikan dengan realiti dan fantasi mereka agar bijak berhemah saksama. Apa yang kau jawab akan kau tanggung. Minat dan perhatian mereka tentu terpesong jika kau hanya menular anganmu sendiri untuk mereka pikul (dalam diam) ketahuilah itu anganmu bukan angan mereka. Yang dewasa matang pula jangan kau didik mereka dengan penerangan tadika. Minat dan perhatian mereka juga tentu terpesong. Anak kecil dahaga dengan rasa ingin tahu, yang tajam. Sang dewasa matang dahaga dengan kepakaran sendiri iaitu yang asing dan masing-masing. Mencipta koloni tersendiri dan di dalam kelompok yang berkelompok. Anak kecil masih riang-ria berkongsi segala pelajaran baru-tanpa prejudis. Orang dewasa matang hanya ingin bercerita super power diri, suram, dan perseorangan. Belum termasuk golongan yang 'bebal' tidak kira kanak-kanak atau golongan dewasa matang. Itu tentu meletihkan. Kepandaian dan kebodohan adalah kelucuan yang gila. Jika dilihat dari gambaran yang lebih besar, ini kegilaan dunia, bukan sekadar negeri ini.

Harga dan nilai itu tentu ditentukan oleh penilaian dan penghargaan. Otak yang kecil mampu memikirkan hal-hal yang besar. Hal benda tersebut adalah apa yang mampu difikirkan. Hal-nya boleh membesar, benda tetap benda. Kegilaan menggelikan kelucuan dalam menakluki hal-hal yang kecil. Hal-nya dan benda-nya adalah dua perkara yang berbeza. Namun saling berkaitan. Setajam mana ingin diperhatikan adalah bergantung pada segalanya atau semuanya.


The attitude of knowing and understanding is the material that we always have to learn.

Look at the whole picture - pay attention - make a consideration - specific your interest - concentrate the detail and taste faculty - divided the iridescent style - analyse the pattern - think of everything one more time - try to understand - carefully handle the conflict

Use your mind not your head - use your heart not your emotion - prejudice is the criminal of your proportion - thinking about the pattern is to trust your feeling deep inside, but how to think deep - to produce the electron, you can't ignore the negative that is always needed by positive - the sharpen you look at positive and negative charge is the way to sharpen your conscious on paying attention to how you perceive something, to control the feeling that always evoke you - always compare the similarity and the differences - recognize and be aware of how objects evoke moods - separate you emotional and emotional perception.

Kinesthetic - miss understanding typically develop when knowledge of the person is limited. Emotion charged perception considerably influences not only memory but also thinking capacity. The way to avoid miss interpretation is to listen attentively, look carefully, and learn separate real information from feelings, opinion or rumors. Take some time to observe, then concentrate to the things and avoid the unnecessary. The idea of knowing kinesthetic - learn by doing.


Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe. Never separate the life you lead from the words you speak. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered - Love them anyway. To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest. Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. Think big anyway.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Words - Adventures and dreams - What interact what - Curiosity driven life - Moral of money - Profit of wisdom - Deep thought - Intelectuals - Abstract thinking - Freedom of thought - Goals - Self discovery - The idea of knowing - Learning to dance in the rain - Connecting the dot - Creativity - Build and destroy - Changing input - Use different perspective- tracing back - Ask 'why' as many as you can - Keep practicing - Not just flash but keep shine

For those who are lucky enough to enjoy the space and time and structure for deep intellectual thought that is applied to the base of understanding of our world-that is fine. Perhaps not. Depends on your interest and effort. Self discovery. Knowledge (information) and thoughts are different things.

The lives are filled with challenges far more pressing and important than dizzying intellectual heights.
Thinking a lot - learning a lot

Art the reflection of their genius-thought and intellectual capability. Enjoy the process of explore. How can you learn to trust; if you always are surrounded by irrationalities, always live in fear, every minutes in your life....sometime this quite quickly shows why deep intellectual thought is so rare. That the limit that people want to overcome. Struggling to improve their self. it should be an age of invention, new opportunities and new possibilities. Depth is like another level of exploration, learning and understanding.....different path/processes/methods.

Poor or lacking education doesn't means their thinking cant be deep....People will be able to think more reasonably, deeper, and more intelligent thoughts than someone with a lower iq. Because everyone has the ability to improve on ideas, to become more intelligent than the currently are, to become something special. Wether or not they have motivation, curiosity, and interest will determine if they become intelligent deep thinker. Everyone has the opportunity to be as great as they wish.

A thought might be voluntary or involuntary. Dreams can be very complex and graphic. Dreams are probably big source of creativity. voluntary thought, controlled, directed, and focused on some problem, goal or proposeful endeavor might be more of what define high functioning intellects.

The capability of genius is like behaviors in one or more of the amount of training to achieve the organization of thought and required to have the laser like focus or powers of observation of a genius may not present in everyone. These type of intelligent is a more complex questions that just intellectual capacity.

Thinking is a tool to provide the heart for a way to reach it desire. To know we have to listen to that inner/voice. Thinking is beyond any programming, its a filter of choice, choose and making decision. Safe or stick to the comfort zones is the opposite to the stuck on various possibilities, thereby limiting their self. More about learning and growing. How it impact the bigger picture when we question things. What is success in life. Its complicated word. Or what is self-control and open-mindedness. I dont know is the strongest and most powerful place to be in ourselve, because its unlimited. Once we now, or think we know, the exploration usually stops, and then we limit ourselves.

Out of comfort zone may offer some wonderful experiences, but we never know unless we take the risk to not know. Its a cycle that keep people in place of fear, and doesnt really serve any useful purpose.